When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: survive

Have you ever made a big promise? On a cold November day almost twenty years ago, I suddenly got the feeling I should try to reach my Grandma. Immediately I called her at the hospice house where she was staying, Read more…

Does the US have too much debt? Here is some food for thought… The United States is considering instituting some socialist policies—free health care for all, free college for all, and strict government regulation on our freedoms (such as our Read more…

Please ask yourself “what if” along with me in this post… What if, sometime in the summer of 1974, my Mother had aborted me and I never came into existence. How would the world be different? You would not be Read more…

Can you afford to pay the bill for what you want? America is a free country with opportunities for everyone.  Now that a presidential election is ahead of us, we have the chance to change our country’s policies by electing Read more…

Are you concerned about global warming and want to save our planet?  If you are, keep reading… To solve our planet’s global warming crisis, we must consider how we created this mess, what we can to do fix it, as Read more…

near a river for kids encouragement for kids balance of power bj rae bald eagle

Let’s keep power in balance in our country!  Do not let any one group have too much power. When there are children in a home, the adults provide everything for the child.  They provide health care, access to education, food, Read more…

When you reflect on your past, how do you feel?  More importantly, how can you overcome how you feel about your past? As I child, other children laughed at me because of my clothes. My hand-me-down pants were too short, as Read more…

Give yourself the best gift possible:  Let go of the monster in your life! Does Christmas make your home more miserable than it usually is? If you are trapped in a negative and emotionally harmful relationship, the holidays just amplify Read more…

near a river encouragement opposite reaction bj rae eagle

How can you conquer the ghouls in your life?  Be the opposite reaction! Everyone has ghouls in life.  Ghouls come at us from all sides constantly in the form of negativity and problems. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by all of Read more…

Encouragement to allow your today to do what today can do on near a river.

Do you know what each minute of your life can do? So what is it that today can do, you ask? The headline of today’s newspaper was “Las Vegas Vigil”.  This article was about the fact that today is the Read more…

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