When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: survive

Encouraging you to avoid hurricane florence on near a river.

Is your state affected by Hurricane Florence?  If so, please read this post… I have been watching the news about Hurricane Florence.  According to the news, there are people who refuse to evacuate in spite of the predicted intensity of Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids who do you have bj rae bald eagle

What success can you have even when the odds are stacked against you?  Who do you have within yourself? If you think life has stacked the odds against you and those odds are keeping you from becoming successful, read on. Read more…

Today an Appalachian Trail Hiker explained the meaning of the phrase “Christmas toes” to us… This morning my husband ran out of coffee. And if you drink coffee, you understand that that means you must make an immediate trip to Read more…

You may have heard this before, but please just suppose along with me anyway. Just suppose that you have an unusually hard day at work and are driving home late in the evening.  You are feeling very tired, upset, and Read more…

Encouragement to realize it is not the end on near a river.

Are you struggling with a problem?  Realize that it is not the end… Did you know that in life everything will be okay in the end?  Also did you know that when life is not okay, it is not the Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids love someone bj rae eagle

Love someone?  Tell your loved one you love him or her as often as possible. An old couple around the age of 70 walked into a lawyer’s office one day.  They told him they wanted to file for divorce. The Read more…

Encouragement to shed light on problems on near a river.

Shed light on problems that need to be dealt with. Today another tragic school shooting has happened in Santa Fe, Texas.  According to the news, at least 8 students are dead and others are injured.  Some victims are in surgery Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids stand tall bj rae bald eagle

Regardless of what you have been through and are going through right now, you should stand tall anyway! Others have doubted you, hated, you and talked about you.  People have made fun of you, hurt you, and lied to you.  Read more…

Encouraging you to recognize when it is time to let go on near a river.

Do you know when it is time to let go? Are you in a difficult relationship?  Do you know when it is time to let go of it? If you do not, here are some clues that tell you it Read more…

Encouragement to live life with no regret on near a river.

Years ago, I volunteered for Hospice and there I learned a lot about regret. Some of the people I worked with in Hospice wished they had lived differently.  They had dreams they had never pursued, resentments held for many years, Read more…

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