When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: survive

Encouraging you to empower others on near a river.

How you can empower others to be their best! Do you feel sorry for someone who has had a hard life?  And do you tend to allow such a person to get away with things you would not allow another Read more…

Encouraging you to succeed like a weed on near a river.

How to succeed like a weed succeeds. I love gardening.  I have noticed there are two types of plants:  persistent plants that do not need much care to grow and delicate plants that do. The two types of plants Weeds Read more…

Encouraging you to maintain healthy boundaries on near a river.

Do not let any unhealthy relationship hurt you.  Maintain healthy boundaries. Today my sister sent a nasty email to me.   She accused me of things I have not done.   Her email violated all boundaries of a healthy relationship and was Read more…

Encouraging you to smile and feel better on near a river.

Smile and you will feel better! When I was young, I smiled most of every day.  Nothing got me down.  Even my mother, who was usually mean to me, could not get me down.  My Grandma had taught me to Read more…

Encouraging you to calm anxiety on near a river.

You can calm anxiety by integrating certain strategies into our daily life. Living with anxiety is hard.  Millions of people struggle with anxiety every day.  Calming anxiety is a long-term process.  But you can integrate  some ways to calm anxiety Read more…

near a river encouragement for children surprise yourself bj rae bald eagle

Six methods to get motivated in spite of your depression. When you feel depressed, your battery is dead. You simply cannot start your engine and get moving. Once you jump your engine, it is easier to get moving. But how Read more…

near a river encouragement Ashley Judd bj rae eagle

Overcome your depression the way Ashley Judd overcame hers! My husband and I both have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. I have overcome my depression issues. He is still working on his. I always encourage him to use Ashley Read more…

near a river encouragement for children pep talk bj rae bald eagle

A Pep Talk to lift your spirits. Feeling down? This pep talk is for you! Repeat after me: I am strong, I am special. And I can overcome any issues in my life because I am a SURVIVOR! I will soar Read more…

near a river encouragement PTSD bj rae eagle

Overcome PTSD using these strategies. PTSD is difficult to deal with.  My husband and I both work at it every day of our lives. We always try to put away painful recollections of the past. We do our best to exercise these Read more…

near a a river encouragement Vietnam bj rae

The story of a Vietnam military working dog until the US pulled out of Vietnam.  This article was written by a Vietnam US Army dog handler, Raymond “Pete” Peters. BJ Rae simply edited it for this website. In part one Read more…

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