When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: visualize

If the rising tide of prosperity isn’t lifting your ship, what can you do about it? In 1963, the New England Council had a thoughtful slogan: ‘A rising tide lifts all the boats.’” JFK borrowed it and used it often. Read more…

What can a person learn in Marketing 101?  Here is the first lesson… Today at the RV park, I walked our two dogs individually. As Simba and I headed down the street, a young couple approached him.  “Hello, cutie!” the Read more…

near a river encouragement reimage US bj rae eagle

What does it mean to reimage something?  Do you know how to reimage something? My husband’s Windows 7 laptop has been having problems for the past few months.  Finally, the problems got so bad that he asked me to fix Read more…

near a river encouragement quitters day bj rae eagle

Today is Quitter’s Day. Will you quit or strengthen your resolve? Today is quitter’s day, the day that most people give up on their good intentions to fulfill their New Year’s resolutions. My New Year’s resolution was to change my diet Read more…

Encouraging you to enjoy your crazy life on near a river.

Have you had a crazy life like I have had? My life has definitely been crazy. From the moment I was born, life has thrown challenges on me like baseballs in a batting practice cage.  Most of the balls have Read more…

Effective compassion can improve our declining morality. What can we do to improve morality?  We must  improve morality if we want to stop sexual harassment, racial discrimination, the use of illegal drugs, and violence. Reversing the decline in morality is Read more…

Encouraging you to understand the decline in US morality on near a river.

Concerned about moral decline in the US?  You are not alone! According to a poll conducted in May of 2017, 81% of Americans are concerned about the decline of morality in the US. Understanding the cause of a problem definitely Read more…

Encouraging you will survive on near a river.

Struggling?  Remind yourself that you will survive. Just breathe. You will be okay. Remind yourself of all the times in the past that you felt this way. This anxious and overwhelmed. This depressed. This stressed. The times you have been Read more…

near a river encouragement for children surprise yourself bj rae bald eagle

Six methods to get motivated in spite of your depression. When you feel depressed, your battery is dead. You simply cannot start your engine and get moving. Once you jump your engine, it is easier to get moving. But how Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids can do bj rae bald bald eagle

Recently I was able to conquer something I thought I would never do again.  Memory loss can happen with various conditions.  Depression, anxiety, PTSD, dysthymia, traumatic brain injury, and others. Although I have overcome my depression, my traumatic brain injury (TBI) Read more…

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