A Setback?

Encouraging you to recover from a setback on near a river.

Encountered a setback?  Don’t let it affect your confidence!

We all have a setback now and then. Unfortunately, I have encountered one in the past few days.

We are at a campground.  The weather is much nicer here than it is at home not far from the Canadian border. There the temperature is well below freezing most days, and here it is 70 degrees plus most days.   We have two dogs and enjoy walking them, especially here where the weather is warm.

Yesterday, while we were out walking the dogs, I stepped into a hole covered with leaves.  Unfortunately, my right foot was the first foot into the hole.  You may recall that my right foot had amputation surgery a month ago and was recovering very well—until the hole happened into my life.

My loving husband assessed the situation.  He examined my foot carefully, pressing all over it to figure out what the issue probably is.  Then he determined that I need to stay in bed with my foot elevated until the swelling goes back down.

This setback is very annoying!  I want to be out of bed practicing piano, walking the dogs, hiking the nearby trails, and simply enjoying life out of bed.  But, not being the argumentative type, I acquiesced and now am resting in bed typing on my laptop computer.

How can a person overcome a setback and not let it affect his or her confidence?

  1. Don’t fight your circumstances.  Instead of fighting them, analyze them and find the best way to navigate through them.
  2. Take the time you need to recover. A setback usually requires recovery time, so do whatever you can to make the most of your recovery time.  Do whatever makes your heart happy and helps you feel better, as long as it is legal.
  3. While you take time to recover, plan for future action. Plan what you will do to get back on track while you recover.
  4. As soon as you have recovered, get back on your feet at the right pace. Do not push yourself too fast or too hard.  Deliberately move forward and reach your goals!

I will certainly recover from this setback quickly, and you can recover from setbacks in your life, too.

Don’t let setbacks affect your confidence. Just do what you need to do to recover and press on when you can!

Soar like an eagle over life’s storms and manage your setbacks as well as you can.


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