Snowflake Feelings

Do you know what the term snowflake feelings means?

A tragic event happened on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 in Parkland, Florida. On this infamous day, Nikolas Cruz opened fire on his former high school around 2:19 pm and murdered 17 innocent people.

Nikolas had tried to let the world know that he was unstable through his speech and writing, but the right people did not get the message.   As a result, Nikolas took the opportunity to murder innocent people.

After the Valentine’s Day mass murder, several students publicly said that they knew that Nikolas Cruz would commit murder.  Had they spoken up to an authority, Nikolas might have been unable to commit this heinous act. Why did the students who believed Nikolas was a threat to safety not say anything to a person in authority?

We have been teaching our children to not say anything negative about someone who is different from themselves.  As a result, sometimes they do not speak up when they believe that someone is a threat or is dangerous. They fear they will be labelled “racist”, “bigot”, or “intolerant” if they make any negative statement about someone who is different from themselves.  This fear has been nicknamed “snowflake feelings”.

This writer contends that if we teach our children to put aside their snowflake feelings, our country will be much safer.  We need to encourage children to speak up to an authority when someone acts like he or she might be unstable and dangerous, regardless of the dangerous person’s race, gender, sexual orientation, or political affiliation.

Parents, please encourage your children to talk with you about their classmates.  Actively listen to your children when they talk about what goes on outside your home. If you do this and you take your children’s comment seriously, you might prevent another mass murder.  You can teach your children to not speak badly of others but do not encourage them to develop “snowflake feelings”.

We need to try to soar like an eagle above this recent violence.  Although we cannot change what has already happened, we can put aside snowflake feelings and do our best to prevent future violent acts in the future.


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