When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Do Your Part to Stop Violence!

Encouraging you to help stop violence on near a river.

Yes, you can help stop the violence in our world!

There are many forms of violence.  Terrorism, domestic violence, rape, murder, and assault. Sane people like us do not like violence.

So why do people become violent. What can we do to prevent violence?

Why do people become violent?

Kathryn Seifert, Ph.D., explained this clearly.

Many factors determine our actions and the likelihood we will become violent.  Family bonding, child development, education, and peer relationships are just a few.

Each person needs positive factors to balance the negatives.  Positive factors include opportunities for success, supportive adults, and a resilient temperament.  Negative factors include child abuse and neglect, chaotic neighborhoods, and psychological problems. When positive factors do not balance the negative factors in a child’s life, he or she is more likely become violent.

Take action to eliminate violence!

  • Prevent the current generation from becoming violent.

Make sure the emotional and physical needs of your own children are met.  Help to make certain other children have their needs met.  Work to eliminate childhood maltreatment, chaotic homes and neighborhoods, and psychological problems. Reach out to children in poorer neighborhoods.  Mentor them.  Be a big brother or big sister to just one child. Take him or her on outings your family.

A child with unmet needs can easily turn into a violent person.  Unmet needs while young can cause changes to a child’s personality that predispose him to violence. As a result, children with unmet needs are much more likely to become violent as they get older.

My own needs would have been unmet as a child if my Grandma had not been a part of my life. She and other people loved me and made certain my needs were met.  Their unconditional love and support made me the person I am today in spite of my dysfunctional home life.

  • Set clear and healthy boundaries for everyone.

As we spend time with children, we must set clear boundaries for them.  Role model healthy behaviors and attitudes.  Do not allow any child to display unhealthy behaviors and attitudes.

We can create larger scale environments intolerant to violence. In addition, we need to ensure that everyone entering our country is properly vetted. We also need to enforce an international punishment standard for terrorists no matter what country they originate from.

Encourage your legislators to create healthy boundaries for everyone in the US and rest of the world.


We cannot bring back to life those who have been killed by terrorism or other forms of violence. However, we can work to change the future every day of our lives. Let’s all work together to create a healthier and safer world!

BJ challenges every reader to make a difference in the life of one child, starting this week.

Be a world changer.  Help stop violence!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Always remember this.

Don’t let life get you down!

Always look for life’s bright spots.

Look like this the morning after a party?


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

BJ’s encouraging books are available

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Please help BJ raise funds for the charities she supports–cancer research, child abuse, domestic violence, and disaster victims.