When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Succeed Like a Weed!

Encouraging you to succeed like a weed on near a river.

How to succeed like a weed succeeds.

I love gardening.  I have noticed there are two types of plants:  persistent plants that do not need much care to grow and delicate plants that do.

  • The two types of plants

Weeds do not take any tender loving care to grow as they are inevitable.  There is no simple way to get rid of them.  I must pull weeds every time I tend my garden.

Flowers, fruits, and vegetables are more delicate.  They need the right circumstances to survive as well as the right amount of sunlight, water, soil nutrients, etc.

  • The persistent plants

Weeds have high stress tolerance.  They  tolerate low nutrient levels in soil, drought, too much water, temperature extremes, repeated mowing, and other conditions undesirable for plants.

Their high-stress tolerance enables them to be persistent.

They sprout up anywhere.  In fertile soil, in poor soil, in sunny areas, in rocky areas, or in shady areas.  They just keep coming back no matter what and they never give up. Every time I have tended my garden, I have had to pull weeds.

Weeds do not look attractive, but they always survive and they can completely take over your lawn in a matter of months.

  • Have the high stress tolerance and persistence of a weed!

Do you want to succeed in life?  Develop high stress tolerance so you must find ways to thrive in every adverse circumstance in your life.  Be persistent so you must be like a weed instead of a delicate plant that needs the right amount of sun and other conditions to thrive.

I have been a weed all of my life as I have been highly stress-tolerant.  Besides surviving severe health crises, severe emotional crises, and severe financial crises, I have also persisted no matter what and my persistence has paid off in countless ways.


Want to succeed in life?  Be like a weed!  Do not give up regardless of your circumstances.  Keep trying to overcome your depression, anxiety, and PTSD as well as to succeed in your life no matter what your circumstances are! When one method fails, keep trying others!  You can succeed! I believe in you.

Parents, teach your children to thrive like weeds.  Teach them by your example and tell them what you are doing and why you are doing it when you are coping with a challenge.  Surround them with others who exemplify the stress tolerance and persistence of a weed.

Soar like an eagle over life’s storms.  Succeed like a weed!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Do you look like these animals after a party?

Take time out for yourself occasionally.

Say “I can” instead of “I can’t”!

 Do you need a hug today?


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

BJ’s encouraging books are available

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and Barnesandnoble.com.



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