When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Feeling Grumpy in Summer Heat?

In the midst of summer heat, we all need to be reminded so something very important. 

Encouraging you to not be grumpy in summer heat on near a river.

It is hot outside most days, so it is very easy to become dehydrated.

Did you know that keeping yourself hydrated in spite of the heat helps you in several ways?

  • Prevents headaches, as well as muscle ache and fatigue.
  • Helps your digestive system.
  • Boosts your mood.

What is the best way to keep yourself hydrated in spite of the heat?

Here are a few options.

Sports drinks.

These drinks are not the best option for the average person.  The average person needs to replace water, not electrolytes.  And their caloric content counters the effect of the time a person spends outside.

Vitamin water

If you take a multivitamin or eat fortified foods, these drinks could cause you to overload on vitamins. Often these drinks contain much sugar also.

Plant water

Yes, you can buy coconut, maple, cactus, and other trendy and expensive plant waters, but should you?

These drinks are more hydrating than water and a more natural alternative to sports drinks.  Their biggest benefit over sports drinks is that they are lower in sugar.


Brewed tea has minimal calories and contains antioxidants that can improve heart health.  It can also lower the risk of cognitive decline and type 2 diabetes.  But when you buy tea in a bottle, you might not get any of these benefits.

Most bottled teas contain as much sugar as soda.

Did you know that brewed tea loses ten percent of its antioxidants each day?

If you enjoy tea on a hot day, brew some yourself.  If you must buy a bottle of tea, try to buy unsweetened ice tea.


We live in a small town without city water so I just drink plain water all day long, especially in the midst of summer heat.

Plain water seems to meet all of my health needs and keeps my budget in line, too.

If you find yourself feeling grumpy this summer, drink some water!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


How can heat affect your health?

More ways you can stay cool this summer!

Buying a home? Please read this warning now.

Got kids going back to school? Here is some help.


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