Become a Superstar!

Encouraging you to be a superstar on near a river.

Do you know that you can become a Superstar?

This morning a Superstar died at the age of 99. One of four children in his family, he grew up on a farm in Charlotte, NC.  At age 16, he heard a traveling evangelist speak and also heard his calling.

This superstar preached inspiration and unity all over the globe.  The first person to preach behind the iron curtain, he preached in free world countries as well as communist countries. Wherever he preached, he reached many hearts and lives and won many hearts for God.

Who was this person? Billy Graham.  Shy as a child, he became what no one would have predicted.  Not even his parents.

Billy Graham became a superstar because he followed his heart.  At age 16, he heard traveling evangelist Mordecai Ham preaching and knew what he would do for the rest of his life.  Then he earned his bachelor’s degree from Florida Bible Institute and the Southern Baptist Convention ordained him.

Looking back at Billy Graham’s life, the most important thing was that he relentlessly followed his heart.  He may have had moments of doubt, but he never strayed from his vision. As a result, he provided inspiration to millions of lives and encouraged unity with God and other men.

You may not believe you can reach millions of people like Billy Graham did, but you do have a talent and you can inspire the world.  If you want to inspire millions of people with encouragement and hope, just follow your heart and create a vision for yourself–and never stray from your vision. Even when you have moments of doubt, never give up.

Don’t know what your talents are?  If you honestly don’t know, keep a journal and write down what you do each day.  Then read over your journal and notice what you do well.  Make a list of these things and use your list to find your talent and create your vision for your life.

Superstar Billy Graham soared like an eagle over life’s storms, and you can be a superstar, too.


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