When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Tag Archives: communism

If you agree that our country needs a leader to unify all Americans, please read and share this post!   Dear Mr. Biden, Yes, you were inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States but I cannot call you Read more…

Goodbye, 2020! Instead of New Year’s Resolutions, I have New Year’s hopes this year. 2020, you were such a horrible year. First, in April my neurologist formally diagnosed me with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, the most painful disease that exists. Read more…

How do you feel about Joe Biden? Dear Joe Biden, No, I didn’t address you as President-Elect Biden. For good reason! Never will I refer to you with the honorable title ‘President’. I feel very hurt and angry because of what Read more…

Dear New York TImes and all Americans, please think about this post! Dear New York Times, In case you don’t know this, you have been doing something very wrong. You have been trying to tell Americans what to think, and Read more…

near a river encouragement for children conomics 101 bj rae bald eagle

Here is a lesson from economics 101, for people of every political inclination. Www.bobbiejrae.com uses the WordPress platform.  WordPress uses mini-programs called a “plug-ins” to perform various additional functions. Bobbiejrae.com is now 25 months old.  Until yesterday, I used a Read more…

near a river for kids encouragement future generations bj rae eagle

Please consider the effects of your vote before you cast your ballot!  These effects will impact future generations more than you believe they will… When Franklin Roosevelt sought reelection to the presidency of the United States in 1936, some people Read more…

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