When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Tag Archives: media

Americans, here is our manifesto. Americans are all one people. We aren’t black, white, Asian, or Hispanic. Although we may be Democrats, Republicans, or independents, we are all Americans first. Recently the morality and compassion of America has diminished, as Read more…

Does the US have too much debt? Here is some food for thought… The United States is considering instituting some socialist policies—free health care for all, free college for all, and strict government regulation on our freedoms (such as our Read more…

Do  you need to make room for peace in your life? When your mind is too cluttered, you cannot function well.  You cannot think clearly or peacefully solve problems. Also, the world around you contributes to your emotional state and Read more…

Americans have been led around in chains like slaves long enough!  Years ago, America had slaves from other countries.  But now, in 2019, too many Americans are slaves. Powerful people lead us around in chains with their ideas, many of Read more…

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