When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Tag Archives: persistence

near a river wild dreams bj rae encouragement

Wild dreams don”t come true, you say? By the time you finish reading this post,  you might just change your mind. I sit in little rooms all day and imagine wild dreams, with the freedom of starving, of course.  And Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids your limit bj rae bald eagle

You can find the magic to succeed–inside yourself! Do you know what the magic to succeed is?  Do you want to find it and make your dreams come true? Tonight I saw a  performance that will show you what it Read more…

Encouraging you to succeed like a weed on near a river.

How to succeed like a weed succeeds. I love gardening.  I have noticed there are two types of plants:  persistent plants that do not need much care to grow and delicate plants that do. The two types of plants Weeds Read more…

near a river, encouragement for children grandmother bj rae bald eagle

You too can learn from the teaching of my grandmother about persistence. The eagle is a very persistent bird of prey. It searches, determines its target, then swoops down to obtain its target. Nothing can deter an eagle in pursuit Read more…

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