When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Tag Archives: work together

near a river brain worm bj rae encouragement

What is brain worm? How can we cure it? I live in the north part of the US., close to the Canadian border, Moose, bear, deer, and all manner of wildlife roam through our yard. We watch to make certain Read more…

near a river encouragement reimage US bj rae eagle

What does it mean to reimage something?  Do you know how to reimage something? My husband’s Windows 7 laptop has been having problems for the past few months.  Finally, the problems got so bad that he asked me to fix Read more…

Do you believe in karma, the simple belief that what you do comes back to you? Here is proof that karma is real. You can call Karma God or simply karma. Whatever you call it, I have seen it in action Read more…

There is a hairclip on the tails of both US Democrats and Republicans. Who will remove it? My husband told me a story about a woman he dated years ago, about her cat and her hairclip. He had taken this Read more…

near a river encouragement arrest bj rae eagle

The word arrest has more than one meaning, but all three meanings apply to the US today. The word arrest has more than one meaning. One is to take someone into custody. Another is to stop or check a progress Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids hurricane bj rae bald eagle

Why can’t we pretend there is a hurricane every day of our lives and ignore our differences? Recently too many people in the US have not been working together to solve problems. Instead, they have been criticizing each other for Read more…

Encouraging you to work together on near a river.

By working together, we will always succeed.  Last night my husband and I watched President Trump’s State of the Union Address together.  I do not agree with everything that Trump has done, but I loved the theme of his speech. Read more…

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