Taking Things for Granted

Encouragement to not take anything for granted on near a river.

It is important to not take anything for granted.

I do not take anything for granted.  Simple things like breathing and walking without pain delight me and make me feel happy and thankful to be alive.

Why do I appreciate even the most basic things that most people do every day without thinking?  I have not always been able to do these things. But God was good and he answered my prayers and made these miracles happen in my life.

For the past few weeks, my asthma kept me awake every day and most of every night.  I felt as though a boa constrictor was wrapping itself around my lungs and squeezing the life out of me.  Breathing and talking at the same time were very challenging.  But last night I finally could breathe without pain again and slept like a baby all night.  Today I am so happy that I can breathe easily again!

For most of my life, I have had pain with every step I took.  My feet hurt so much that eventually I had to get part of both feet amputated.  Now that I have had that done, I can walk pain free finally.  So simply walking makes me feel very happy.

I did not write this post to get you to pity me.  Instead, I am writing it because I see people every day who walk around looking and acting grumpy.  They do not realize that how their life would be if their bodies could not function as well as they do.

So no matter how many problems you have to deal with in your life, please do not take even the most basic things you can do for granted.  Instead of complaining about your problems, perhaps you should be happy that your body functions as well as it does.  If you do not take anything for granted and you are grateful instead, you will feel more content with your life instead of depressed and anxious. Therefore, it is my prayer that you appreciate everything in your life.

Please soar like an eagle above the storms in your life by joining me in appreciating everything in life instead of taking things for granted.


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