Thank You!

Encouragement to say thank you on Near a River.

A thank you to someone who has been very important in my life.

Dear Mother,

Thank you for everything you have done for me.

For giving me life and keeping me alive during my childhood years, I thank you. The first 45 years were very challenging, including my childhood.  Except when I spent time with Grandma and my Sunday school teacher, of course.  But now my life is finally good and I am happy.  Had you not given me life, I would not have my current happy life. So for these two things, I sincerely thank you.

For not giving me properly fitting shoes during my childhood, I sincerely thank you.  Why am I now grateful for this?  Amputation surgery to correct the damage with both feet has given me two great benefits.  First, I used to have hammer toes that required me to wear larger, masculine-looking shoes.  But amputating the damaged parts of both feet has literally scared my hammer toes straight!  So as soon as I recover from the second amputation surgery (done yesterday), I will wear normal sized feminine-looking shoes!  This makes me very happy.  Second, if I ever get a pedicure, I will not have to pay full price.  Having only eight toes will certainly get me a 20% discount.  So I thank you for not giving me properly fitting shoes.

For letting me spend time with Grandma when you had other things to do, I am more grateful than words could ever say.  Grandma truly loved me, taught me much about life, and gave me the gifts that every child needs to succeed.  She gave me faith, hope, love, encouragement, resiliency, a love of helping others, and the desire to succeed and make a difference in the world.  When you let your Mother care for me, you indirectly gave me my current happy life.  So for this, I am more thankful than you could ever understand.

For not communicating with me after you moved to my sister’s apartment last May, I thank you.  Feeling I must honor the wish of both you and my older sister for me to not be part of your lives, I now have more time to deal with my own life.  Your emotional distance and “un-communicativeness” have given me the freedom to spend my energy being with and helping others who do appreciate me and love me for who I am.  So for this, I sincerely thank you.

Most of all, I thank you for making me strong.  I grew up in a challenging environment you created and that environment has made me very strong.

Mother, I thank you  for all you have done for me but now I feel led to depart from our relationship.  Feeling I must move forward as positively as possible, I am letting go of my old baggage.

Finally, Mother, I sincerely hope the rest of your life is filled with great health, much faith and hope and love, and all the encouragement you need.  I hope you soar like an eagle over all of the storms in your life!

With much love,

Your daughter,

BJ Rae

Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Do you feel at peace with your life?

Grandma instilled these three great things in me.

Never give up on this very important part of your life!

Every American needs to be faithful to the veterans who have protected us!


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View Comments (2)

  • I know your life will be greatly blessed as you move forward in a new day with the blessings of a bright future ahead of you. May God bless you, your husband, and your mother as she hopefully one day will realize her failures and seek reconciliation with you. God bless and may healing from this surgery come quickly.

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