Think Ahead

Think ahead and prevent January blues.

It can be difficult to think ahead to a few months from now, but time passes quickly.  And what we do today affects our future.

It is now the end of November.  Our actions in December have big consequences for the New Year.  How we handle our money, our health issues…

  • Money issues

If you cannot deal with credit card debt in January, plan ahead.  Look at your income and your bills as well as your savings to determine how much you have left over to spend on Christmas gifts. Then make a list of all the people you need to buy gifts for and figure out how much you can spend on each person.  Make sure you budget some funds for those people you forgot to add to your shopping list. Plan ahead and budget your money wisely!

There are ways you can save money online.  Two browser extensions help online shoppers get the best prices, “Invisible Hand” and “Honey”.  These two browser extensions are safe and do not compromise your computer security in any way.

Have you ever analyzed your bills to find out if you can reduce them?  Now is the time to do this if you haven’t before!  Click here for some ways to do this.

If you need to generate more cash to buy gifts, use the holidays as a time to clean out your closets.  Find what you can sell and sell it!

  • Health issues

When you go to a holiday party, do you choose your food wisely? Do you overindulge in sweets and junk food?

Between us, my husband and I have a bunch of health issues:  coronary artery disease, diabetes, migraines, food intolerances and allergies, other allergies, and more.  We have to watch what we eat.  When we eat out with friends, we tend to drink and eat things we should not.  So we have developed a signal to remind each other to stick to our food guidelines when we are tempted to do otherwise.

If you need to lose weight, do not give up because the holidays are here!  You can lose weight during the holiday season!


Most people feel at least somewhat blue in January, right after the holidays.  Perhaps because they overspend and overeat and now must deal with the consequences?  You can prevent your January blues by planning ahead!

Soar like an eagle over the January blues. Think ahead this year!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Yes, the impossible is possible.

A life lesson we all need to remember…

Give as many hugs as you can this holiday season.

You never know when your kindness will return to you!


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words


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you care about today!


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