Think Clearly, Accomplish More

Encouragement to think clearly on Near a River.

Two strategies to help you think clearly, accomplish more, and feel happier.

As a traumatic brain injury survivor, I often struggle to think clearly.  Some days my brain just does not want to work.  So I went to work researching. I found some proven ways to make my brain work better and enable me to accomplish more.

  • Natural lighting

There are differences between natural light and article light, and research has proven that natural day light significantly helps your brain to remain alert and think better.  Scientist Mirjam  Muench compared two groups of people, one exposed to daylight and the other exposed to artificial light.  He found that artificial light increases cortisol (stress hormone) levels and causes sleepiness. Additionally, Muench observed that dim light has the same effect as artificial light. He concluded that natural light is best for brain function.

When my husband and I first moved to the mountains two years ago, our first home had very little natural light.  We both felt continually  stressed out and exhausted. After 18 months, we                  moved to a home with lots of natural light.  Since moving, we both feel much less stressed and much less exhausted.  Our brains are working much better!

  • Stay warm

Cornel did a study to find the optimal temperature for productivity and good mental health. Researchers there tested different office temperatures at a large Florida insurance company and found that keeping your thermostat set between 68 and 77 degrees is best. The employees there made 44% more mistakes when the temperature was not optimal. The researchers believe this effect occurs because less than optimal temperatures are distracting and make you feel uncomfortable. They also divert energy to adjusting and maintaining your body temperature, and therefore a lot less energy goes toward concentration, inspiration, and focus.

Warm environments also make us feel happier.  In one study, researchers asked people to rate the efficacy of heating pads and then answer questions about their employer.  Those whose hands were warmed expressed higher job satisfaction.  The warmed subjects were also more likely to offer a friend the prized they received for participation in the study.

Our brains do not see a difference between physical warmth and psychological warmth. So stay warm and you will be more productive and also happier.


Does anyone in your home struggle to accomplish tasks? If so, open the curtains to get more natural light, and keep the temperature between 68 and 77 degrees.

Use these simple strategies to think clearly and feel better emotionally.


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