Help This Bill Pass!

Encouragement to help this bill pass on near a river.

We all need to encourage our legislators to pass this bill!

In this era of data breaches, it is critical that we protect ourselves against identity theft and keep our money safe.

Senator Jack Reed, a Democrat from Rhode Island, introduced a bill into Congress that will help us do these things.

Currently, to protect yourself from identity theft, you must call each credit bureau and request a “security freeze”.  You also must pay for your security freeze annually if you do not have an identity theft police report on file. This security freeze prevents anyone from accessing your credit information without your permission and prior knowledge.

But Senator Reed’s bill, “The Control Your Personal Credit Information Act”, would create a default security freeze for all Americans. His bill simplifies the process for a security freeze by requiring each of the three credit bureaus to verify the consumer’s identity each time any person or company requests access to the consumer’s credit file.  Then each bureau would have to get the consumer’s authorization before giving access to the consumer’s file. And it also requires credit bureaus to provide this protection for no cost to all consumers.

I love this bill!  It would make identity theft so much more difficult for the thieves!

Many people like myself have been wishing for legislation like this.  We have been wishing for laws that protect the safety of our credit data.  So now is our chance to make sure the bill becomes a law.

Please help yourself and every other American prevent identity theft. Contact your legislator today and ask him to support this bill with a yes vote!


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View Comments (1)

  • I join you and others with the desire for the passing of these bills! I am of the opinion that this action is long past due.

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