
Encouragement to work together on near a river.

By working together, we will always succeed. 

Last night my husband and I watched President Trump’s State of the Union Address together.  I do not agree with everything that Trump has done, but I loved the theme of his speech.  It has been true for me my whole life.

His speech communicated an important message for all of us. If we work together, we can accomplish more for the good of the everyone.  Each group may not get everything it wants, but if we compromise and work with each other, good things will happen for the American people as a whole.

As I fell asleep last night, I thought about what Trump said and how it has been true my entire life, even as a very young child.

As a young child, I lived in a home filled with discord, alcohol, and constant fighting.  No one worked together for any reason.  Therefore our home was miserable. Sure, we lived and survived each day, but as a family we accomplished nothing good for ourselves for anyone else.

Fortunately, I spent lots of time at Grandma’s house.  At Grandma’s house, Grandma and I worked together in her garden, in her kitchen, and around her home.  We tended her garden, cooked, cleaned, and spent time talking.  At times I did not feel like working and wanted to play, but the two of us always accomplished so much every time we worked together.

My first marriage was like the home I grew up in.  My first husband was bipolar and self-medicated with alcohol instead of getting the professional help he needed.  When not drinking, he was unpleasant because he often felt miserable due to his mental condition, but when he was drinking he turned into an abusive monster.  Instead of working with him, I had to work alone to do things that he wanted done to prevent being physically abused more than I usually was.  I accomplished as much as I could alone, but we never worked with each other and did not accomplish any good for anyone else.  The nature of our relationship stifled the love of helping others my Grandma had instilled in me throughout my childhood.

Then by choice I spent quite a few years single and alone.  Finally I met the man of my dreams, my second husband.  Now we work with each other and accomplish everything we can each day for ourselves and others.  Often as we are driving in the mountains near our home, we see hikers who need some help and together we help them. Two weeks ago we worked together to help a veteran who needed help getting his disability approved by the Veterans’ Administration. My husband and I work together to do everything we do, and almost every day we find someone we can work together to help. At times, one of us does not feel like working on the task at hand, but we work together and get it done anyway.

I am sure there are many examples like these mentioned above in your life, too.  Even though you may not like everything Trump has done, wouldn’t you have to admit that the message he shared last night was great?

If we all work together, we can accomplish great things for ourselves and for others.  Who can you work with today to accomplish something for yourself or someone else?

We will succeed if we work with each other!


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View Comments (1)

  • I heard a statement many years ago at at Church Growth Conference in Louisville, Kentucky in 1973 that goes right along with what you have stated. The statement is: "Together we can do what we can't do alone." It was true then and still is today. I pray we will see a day when everyone one, no matter what side of tracks we live on will join our hands and hearts in the tasks before us. I am so grateful for the way you make yourself available to bless the lives of others with your writings and your actions.

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