
Encouragement to make tradeoffs on near a river.

What tradeoffs might you be willing to make to improve your life?

Before I moved to live with my new husband in his home, my allergies were bad.  But after I moved in with him, my allergies became a nightmare.  They made my asthma and migraines horrible and I was taking too many medications.  When my kidneys began to be affected by all of the meds, we had to make a trade off.

We found a place that I can live without taking any medications at all and still feel fine.

But our new home is in a very rural mountain area in the middle of nowhere.  To get to our bank, we must drive an hour.  And to shop anywhere but Walmart and a small local grocery store, we must drive an hour also.  Good surgeons are more than two hours away. The only things near us are mountains, bear, moose, and deer.

In our former home, everything is very close by.  Another positive about it is that I never gained weight there because of the intensity of my asthma when we were there.

It was hard to make this trade-off in spite of the health benefits of our mountain home but we simply had to do this.  Asthma is a serious and sometimes fatal health concern.

Do you have any difficulties in your life that you might be able to resolve by making a trade-off?  Making tradeoffs can be very hard, so here is some help if you need to do this.

List the pros and cons.

Divide both sides of a piece of paper into two columns. On the front, list the pros and cons of your life as it now is.  Then on the back, list the pros and cons of making the tradeoffs you could make to improve your life.

Think, think, and think.

Spend a few days or longer thinking about these pros and cons.  Which trade-off would you feel most comfortable with?


On another sheet of paper, list the steps you need to complete to make the tradeoff you chose. Consider the difficulty and cost of each step as you plan to make your trade-off.


When life gives you lemons, sometimes tradeoffs are the answer.  Do not rush into anything when your life is challenging, because deciding what to do quickly can lead to regrets. Take as much time as you can and need to complete each step on this list.

You can turn life’s lemons into lemonade by making tradeoffs!


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