When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Tug of War

near a river bj rae encouragement for children tug or war bald eagle

Fifty years ago, when I was a child, there was a tug of war in the United States.  The same thing is happening now.

Fifty years ago today, I was a young child.  The year was 1968 and the American government had sent our military to fight in a controversial war, the Vietnam war. Citizens protested this war and some young men dodged the draft. Even some of our government leaders believed our troops had no business fighting in Vietnam.

Today our leaders have disparate views once again.  Our current unprecedented tug of war is distracting our leadership from doing what it needs to do–focus on helping the American people.

But there is one important difference between 1968 and 2019.

In 1968, everyone worked for the best interests of our country.  Everyone, regardless of his or her chosen political party, was on the side of America, our great nation. Citizens, as well as politicians, were trying to do what they thought was best for our country.

Today US politicians are not trying to do what is best for our country.  Neither are reporters, who tell the news from their own political views instead of in an unbiased fashion. Americans are no longer on the side of the USA! They are on their own sides, promoting their own political agendas.

In other words, too many Americans are behaving selfishly.

But we can change this.

All we have to do is let our leaders and news stations know that we want them to put America first, that we will no longer tolerate their selfishness! If each one of us communicated to politicians as well as the reporters that we will expect them to put America first, the tone of the current tug of war would change quickly.

Yes, after the current tug of war ends, our country will change dramatically.  For the sake of young children in our society today and those still unborn, I hope this change will make our country truly the best country in the world.


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