An Unpopular Post

I know this post will be unpopular, but I had to write it anyway.  It has an important message.

This morning when I turned on the news, I saw something that made me feel really sad.  It shows that people in this country are hardening their hearts.

On every news channel, both Democratic and Republican, I saw that US political leaders are encouraging us to express our political discontent by becoming violent.

Yes, the US is a country of many freedoms, including free speech, but violence is never acceptable.  Regardless of your political party affiliation or anger over current events in US politics.

I grew up in a very large extended Democratic family.  At family gatherings, my relatives spoke of politics but no one ever spoke of hurting anyone.  When my relatives felt upset about what was going on in the world politically, they prayed and trusted God to work out the solutions to their concerns.

I am thankful for the fact that I grew up in an extended family that prayed instead of turning violent.

Violence just leads to trouble.  You hurt others and you get put into jail.  Then you have to go to court to defend yourself, and you may have to go to prison for your violent behavior.

Violence never solves any problems at all. It just creates problems for whomever you hurt as well as yourself. However, most of the problems it creates become your own problems.

Did you know that your rights stop at the end of your nose?  That no one has the right to hurt anyone else?

Also, did you know that unmet needs are usually the root of irrational actions? Did you know that there is a way to meet your needs instead of creating problems for yourself and others? If you express your unmet needs this way instead of using violence, you will not get into trouble and will be more likely to work out your issue to your satisfaction. This method will enable you to change the world!

The way people are hardening their hearts will make the world a much more hostile place as time goes on.  I am so glad that I am over 50 years old and have lived most of my life in a more peaceful environment.  And I feel sorry for the young people today who must live their entire lives in this very very very sad environment.

The world needs to hear this message, even if it is unpopular. Life is not a popularity contest.


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Want to successfully resolve your political discontent?

My unkindness has returned to me. Yours will too.

What is the worst of all of the bad options?

You can fix simple things that break!


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View Comments (1)

  • I agree. But I'd rethink my stance on God. I have abundant evidence that God exists, although not as often portrayed by religion.

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