Know Any Vietnam Veterans?

Encouraging Vietnam veterans to seek compensation they deserve on near a river.

Do you know any Vietnam veterans? If you do, please share this with them!

My husband served in Vietnam and has experienced the effects of exposure to Agent Orange.

Exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam causes a variety of health issues. Did you know the Veterans’ Administration compensates Vietnam veterans who have these health issues with disability income and free health care?

These illnesses include but are not limited to:

  • AL Amyloidosis

This disease occurs when the abnormal protein amyloid enters the tissues or organs.  Symptoms include swelling in ankles or legs, severe fatigue or weakness, shortness of breath, or numbness and tingling and pain in your hands or feet, especially in your wrist.  Also diarrhea and unintentional and significant weight loss.  More symptoms include skin changes such as thickening or easy bruising with or without purplish patches around the eyes, an irregular heartbeat, and difficulty swallowing.

  • Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes causes high blood sugar levels. Because it also cause the body’s to not properly respond to the hormone insulin, it requires constant management.

  • Heart Disease

Did you know that veterans exposed to Agent Orange usually have atypical symptoms of heart disease? Often related to diabetes, this disease causes a reduced supply of blood to the heart and chest pain.

  • Parkinson’s Disease

If your hands shake and you have any memory issues, you might need an evaluation for this disease. It is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects muscle movement .

  • Cancers

Prostate cancer, respiratory cancers, multiple myeloma, leukemia, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma fall into this disease category.

  • Skin issues

Ever had any unusual skin issues?  If you have, please get them checked out.

  • Children with birth defects or stillborn children

Veterans whose partners gave birth to stillborn children or children with birth defects can also get assistance.

  • Lou Gehrig’s Disease

Patients with this disease drop objects because they cannot hold onto them.  It progresses and usually causes death within 5 years.


Vietnam veterans with symptoms of any of these conditions should then contact the Veterans Administration for an appointment immediately.

Encourage all Veterans to soar like an eagle over the storms in life by seeking help for their health issues.


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soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Treasure every breath you take, Veterans!

Written by a Vietnam veteran for other veterans…

Shouldn’t Veterans Day be Veterans Month instead?

Do you best to overcome PTSD and depression every day of your life!


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