When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

What Do Vivid Dreams Mean?

Encouraging you to understand vivid dreams on near a river.

Pay attention to your vivid dreams!

I often have vivid dreams.  I wake up, knowing that I have had a strange and vivid dream.  And the odd thing is that I can remember what I dreamt when I wake up.

My dreams have usually turned out to mean that I need to pay attention to something.

When stress got the best of me…

Vivid dreams can mean you are ignoring something important:  your stress levels.  When my dreams have been particularly vivid, when I dream about being in danger, I slow down.  I reduce my stress level.

Some of my dreams have been helpful. They have shown me what’s truly bothering me in my subconscious and point out why I am feeling the way I am feeling.

My blood sugar was low…

I once had gestational diabetes.  When I had low blood sugar, I had the strangest nightmares and wild dreams.  I learned to take my blood sugar before going to bed.

When I needed to see a mental health specialist…

Stress and anxiety cause strange, upsetting dreams.  So can mental health conditions.  Did you know that bipolar disorder can cause vivid or bizarre dreams in some people?  It can, according to Web MD.

So can PTSD.  People with PTSD have nightmares more often than those without PTSD.

I once had vivid, strange, and upsetting dreams that I felt were driving me nuts.  I went to a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with PTSD.  With PTSD treatment, my dreams stopped.

When I needed to see a doctor for my health

I have also had bad dreams when I needed to consult a doctor.  When I have had infections, I have had nightmares.

Did you know that bad dreams can be linked to heart problems?  Researchers have connected nightmares to irregular heartbeat.

Eating spicy food before going to bed

Eating spicy food before going to bed can increase your metabolism and body temperature, and therefore cause an increase in your brain activity.  Spicy foods especially have this effect during REM sleep, the sleep in which dreams occur.

For me, part of getting a good night’s sleep is avoiding spicy food from noon until bedtime.

Watching TV before going to bed…

Watching TV right before going to sleep is not a good idea.  It can lead to some strange dreams.  Our dreams come from our subconscious mind and what we see right before sleeping affects our subconscious mind.

I no longer watch TV right before going to bed.  Instead, I give my husband a massage since helping others clears my mind.  And a massage before sleeping is very helpful to my husband.


I hope you sleep like a baby tonight and every night.  If you do not sleep like a baby–if you have bad dreams—you might want to try to discern the cause of your vivid dreams.  Especially since getting a good night’s sleep is vital to your health.

Take care of yourself and sleep like a baby.


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Stressed out today? 

Yes, the impossible is possible.

Your past can either hold you back or make you stronger…


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