Should You Walk Away?

There is a movement in the US, the Walk Away movement.  Should you join it?

The New York Post website posted favorable coverage of the “2018 Walk Away movement”.  From what are people walking away? Who has joined so far?

Some people have been Democrats for years, as their family members have.  But due to recent actions of this party, they are walking away from it.  These people are not Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables”, but lifelong democrats who can’t take it any longer.  They have been waiting for someone to come forward and make it safe for them to come out of the closet and speak their minds.

Brandon Straka, a gay hairdresser in New York, founded this campaign in 2018. He now subscribes to an independent political ideology rather than the liberal Democratic Party.

Straka rejects Democratic hatred, opting for peace instead.  What does Straka know that most of us haven’t yet realized?


Throughout history, Democrats voted for slavery, while Republicans were against this cruelty to fellow humans. But now that the 2020 election looms ahead, the Democratic Party is embracing the idea that slavery was wrong and the descendants of slaves should receive financial compensation.

LGBT Rights

The Democrats also have historically voted against LGBT rights. In fact, in 1996, the Barack Obama and Joe Biden administration tried to pass the “Defense of Marriage Act”. This act defined marriage for federal purposes: the union of one man and one woman. It also allowed individual states to refuse to allow same-sex marriages. Sadly, this act would have barred same-sex couples from receiving federal marriage benefits, such as health care insurance at a spouse’s place of employment.

But now that the 2020 election is before our country, the Democrats are suddenly advocating rights for LGBT citizens.

Our Economy

Unfortunately, this party also advocates for socialist policies here in our beautiful country. Surely the Democratic Party leaders and potential candidates know that socialist policies have scarred and ruined other countries who initiated them while still in debt, but they ignore this fact.

Democratic Obama-era regulations crippled small businesses and hurt our economy. In fact, Obama’s 2016 regulations drained two trillion dollars from our economy. 

They also do not care that illegal immigrants who cost American taxpayers billions of dollars each year continue to pour into our country.  Yes, we need immigrants because couples are having fewer children and endangering our future workforce.  However, illegal immigrants don’t pay taxes and contribute to our country financially as legal immigrants do.

Do these people truly care about the future of our country, or do they simply care about winning the 2020 election?


What do you think about abortion? Third-trimester abortion? The Democratic Party approves of both of these things. So if


Finally, democratic news media frequently leave out important facts in the news they share with the world. For example, Democratic news media reported that President Trump mocked a disabled reporter, but this was a complete distortion. 

If I included all of the examples of this deplorable behavior, this post would be too long to read.

The Democratic Party tries to control what people think instead of presenting the facts and letting others draw their own conclusions.


Yes, it can be hard to walk away from the Democratic Party.  People considering joining this movement fear losing their jobs, their friends, their housing, and their social media accounts. I may lose my google ranking and social media accounts by sharing this information, but I am standing up for my beliefs anyway!

The Republican Party is not perfect either. But if American voters became independent and voted for a candidate based on the candidates’ record instead of his or her party, wouldn’t our government more closely represent our beliefs.

Americans and US politicians should represent America,  not the beliefs of a particular party!

We should also remember an important fact about politics and political candidates.  What they say while campaigning for an office usually doesn’t happen after they are elected. So, Voters, shouldn’t we consider a candidates’ record instead of his or her campaign promises?

Should you stand up for your right to think for yourself and join the Walk Away movement? If you choose to do so, many others are already standing with you.

Are you a slave to other’s beliefs or an intelligent human being?

Perhaps if enough Americans stand together, we will not be attacked individually for our beliefs!



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