When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

What Would Happen?

Encouraging you to think about what would happen on near a river.

What would happen if more people tried this, both people within and outside of our government?

Today my husband and I traveled 500 miles south of our home that is about 50 miles south of the Canadian border.

I noticed five other drivers along our route who were from our same area.  At first these drivers drove the way people drive in the North Country, politely and with respect toward other drivers.

But more than a few hours into the trip, we entered a state that is generally known for ruder drivers.

In the state of ruder drivers, four of the five drivers began to drive like the others around them.  They followed the (modified) old saying, “When in Washington, do as the Washingtonians do.”  Suddenly they became anxious like the drivers near them.  They cut other drivers off and refused to let them into their lane.

What would happen if these four drivers had continued to drive politely like the fifth driver and my husband did?

Well, for starters, a car accident may have been avoided.  Also, each of these four drivers might have started a chain of drivers who paid politeness and respect forward.

What would happen if our government leaders ignored their fellow party members’ attitudes and paid forward politeness and respect instead?  How differently would our government function if politicians treated every other politician with these two important attributes regardless of philosophical differences instead of copying those around them?

Our government would have fewer problems and would be making more progress toward solutions for our current issues.

Imagine what would happen if YOU paid forward politeness and respect every day of your life and demanded that those who represent you do the same thing?

Just remember that politeness and respect are contagious and that they both prevent and solve problems.

Perhaps if we all remembered the advice in this post, the expression, “When in Washington, do as the Washingtonians do” would be spoken differently.  Then it might be stated, “When in Washington, show the Washingtonians how to treat others.”


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


If you think it can’t happen, it probably won’t!

Yes, you can do anything you set your mind to do.

Where do your rights end and others’ rights begin?

A possible solution to our country’s morality problem.


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