
What is a whitelist?  How can you create one of these?


There are two types of antivirus protection, whitelist and blacklist. A white list program allows only those things that are recognized as beneficial or not harmful in any way. The opposite type of protection is a blacklist, which excludes only things that programmers have recognized as harmful.

The second type of program can admit new infections that analysts haven’t yet deemed harmful, while the first keeps out everything that could negatively impact your device.

Yesterday, it occurred to me that some people,

like the most effective computer protection programs,

filter their words and actions through a whitelist.

On Black Friday, I woke up at five-thirty am and decided to shop before the crowds caused long check-out lines.  I went to two stores, Walmart and PetSmart.

PetSmart was having a sale on dog food and treats. When a customer purchased two of these, the third was free. I selected six items for our fur babies and stood in line. The woman checking out in front of me had $3 less than the amount of cash she needed, so I handed the cashier the money and said, “Happy holidays” to her.

The store manager was observing John, the new cashier, so I smiled at her while I stepped forward to pay for my items. The manager smiled back at me as she walked toward the register and showed the John how to override the automatic system that chose the least expensive item for the free item. She gave me two $17.99 items free instead of the lesser expensive $3.99 ones.

The manager and I are kindred spirits who choose to treat others with actions on our white lists and generate positive feelings in others.  By following the golden rule, we lift others’ spirits as well as our own.

There are many white list actions and words that cost no money, and these are just as beneficial as those that require funds.

Whatever you do today,

please remember that white list activities

make everyone’s life better.


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