When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

A Woman of Experience

Encouraging you to learn from a woman of experience on near a river.

Learn what you can from a woman of experience and make your life easier.

My husband teases me lots. Among other things, he calls me a woman of experience.  Although I do not have that kind of experience, I do learn from what I experience and love to share with others to make their lives easier. Here are two recent experiences I would love for you to read.

Overcoming Insomnia

In the past I have struggled with insomnia.  Right before my recent surgery it returned.  I had lots of things I needed to do before the surgery and there was no way to complete everything I needed to accomplish each day.  So I researched how to deal with this.

The Journal of Sleep Medicine gave me the answer I needed.  According to a study it published recently, people who have insomnia usually expect too much of themselves. Instead of turning off and going to sleep at night, their brains keep thinking about all the things they did not accomplish during the day.  This study concluded that the best way to overcome insomnia is to write down three things that you did accomplish that day before you go to bed.

This advice worked!  When I wrote down 3 things I had done each day, my brain shut off and I went to sleep without waking up during the night and wondering how I could possibly get everything done.

Reducing bills.

Our homeowner’s insurance bill came in and our insurance company had raised our rate by 25%.  This did not sound fair to me because we have never made any claims and there have been no claims in our small town of 375 people in YEARS.  No one in our small town has even filed a police report for any reason in the past 10 years or more.  When I called our insurance company, Angela in customer support said the company had increased the insurance rate for every homeowner in our state.  A slight increase in homeowner’s claims in our state had caused the statewide rate increase, Angela said.

But we are members of AAA and AAA gives us the best car insurance rates, so I called AAA.  AAA quoted less than $1,000 for a new policy with more than twice the coverage of our current policy (that cost almost $2,000).  It turns out that AAA homeowner’s insurance sets rates by the town not by the state and therefore can give better rates.

The moral of my second experience is that if your insurance is too high, perhaps you should join AAA.


So if you cannot sleep at night or your insurance is too expensive, you might want to try the advice of a woman of experience.

Learn from others’ experiences and make your life easier!


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soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


What is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself?

Want to make your child successful?

Try to enjoy the rest of your life.

Promises are important!


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2 comments on “A Woman of Experience

If I made myself think of three things I’d done during the day, I’d chide myself for not having done more!! No hope. Actually, I don’t have insomnia. I just hate to give up on the day until I can’t help but do anything but! Thanks for reading and commenting my lighter approach to the subject. Enjoyed your article.. Judy


Thanks B J for the advice on insomnia! I have been dealing with this for years myself and will be putting this advice to work.


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