When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

The Word Hero…

Does the word hero stand for an idea?  Or does this word mean something entirely different?

near a river encouragement word hero bj rae eagle

Miriam Webster defines the word hero in more than one way.

As an illustrious warrior,

one who shows great courage,

or a person admired for achievements and noble qualities.

Let’s consider the first definition, “an illustrious warrior”.  Whether you are fighting a war physically, with words, or politically, you could become a hero.  A politician could earn this honorable term by putting his or her personal agenda aside and doing the best thing for his or her constituents.

The second definition is “one who shows great courage”. It takes great courage to do what is right.

Finally, let’s consider this definition, “a person admired for achievements and noble qualities”.  Most people would agree with me on what achievements and noble qualities are.  Noble achievements include compromising to solve problems, eliminating the distress of other people and animals, and doing the right thing without consideration for your own interests.

Noble qualities include compromising, working with others, and putting the best interest of others before yourself. A person with noble qualities does what benefits others in spite of how it will personally affect him or her in the future.

Synonyms for the word hero include brave person, (wo)man of the hour, and winner. How does a person become a hero or a winner?  A brave person becomes the (wo)man of the hour and wins by putting the best interests of others in front of his or her own interests.

We should all remember that true hero may not necessarily

be a winner in the eyes of others at the time

that (s)he makes a crucial decision,

but (s)he will win in the long run!

These three definitions of the word hero apply to the current US government situation.  Unfortunately, our leaders just cannot work together to serve the our best interests.

Perhaps our politicians have not thought of the definition of the word hero.  Maybe we can remind politicians on both sides and encourage them to work together to show great courage and the best of their noble qualities!

I would vote for a hero in the next election, wouldn’t you?


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


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