When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

The Answer to Worry!

Encouraging you to not worry on near a river.


Worry does not accomplish anything!

Encouraging you to not worry on near a river.

Worry!  It can be a real problem.

As a child, I worried that my brothers would find my hiding spot, hold me down, and tickle me again until I wet myself in the house wherever my brothers had been tickling me.  Then my Mom would come home and yell at me for wetting myself in the house again.  It happened once a week whether I worried or not.  Then one day I realized that worrying did not prevent this from happening.  So I gave up on worrying about it. I learned to deal with it by praying for protection from my Mother’s anger.

I made the mistake of telling my husband about this childhood event in my life.  He finds this effect of tickling amusing.  Now he traps me in our bed with his legs and arms and tickles me.  I no longer worry if I will wet myself.  I just lay there and giggle and squirm until he lets me up.  He always lets me up to get to the bathroom just barely in time.  Then he laughs while I am in the restroom. Hey, the guy has PTSD and major depressive disorder.  This tickling exercise must be good for his mood, right?

I have learned how to handle worry.

When the “What if’s?” crawl into my ear, I simply meditate.  This has proved to be prudent because when I meditate, I stop worrying.

The song “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” tells it like it is.  When I stop worrying, I feel happier. So let go of your worries and replace your anxiety and depression with happiness.

When the “What if’s?” crawl into your ear, do not listen to them! Do not let them rent even the tiniest amount of space in your brain.  Remember that you are the landlord of your brain.  You decide what thoughts occupy it.  You should only allow helpful thoughts occupy your brain! If you struggle to drive out the “What ifs?”, try listening to your favorite music or talking with a friend.

Another strategy to overcome worry is to help someone else.  Research proves that helping others helps you to be less anxious about your own problems.  Join the kindness movement instead of worrying! If we all sing along with Bill Withers as he sings his well-known song, “Lean on Me“, we will all worry less–those leaning on others and those who are being leaned on!

Soar like an eagle over life’s storms.  Don’t worry—meditate on positive thoughts and help others, then make a plan to deal with your concern.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Feeling sad today?

Struggling to get enough sleep?

Believe me, the impossible is possible! 

Do you know the easiest way to help yourself?


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