When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

near a river encouragement uplifting bj rae eagle

Eliminate all things not uplifting in your life to overcome depression. Another key to overcome depression is easier said than done. Simply let go of anything that is not uplifting or anyone that brings you down. Here are some strategies Read more…

near a river encouragement PTSD bj rae eagle

Overcome PTSD using these strategies. PTSD is difficult to deal with.  My husband and I both work at it every day of our lives. We always try to put away painful recollections of the past. We do our best to exercise these Read more…

near a river encouragement forgive bj rae

One strategy for overcoming depression is to forgive others.  One key to overcome depression is much easier said than done: forgive. Forgive others who have hurt you. Forgive yourself for allowing others to hurt you.  Finally, forgive anything you have Read more…

near a river encouragement for children best bj rae bald eagle

Enable yourself to overcome depression by doing your best every moment of every day. The Man in The Glass Author Unknown When you get what you want in your struggle for self And the world makes you king for a Read more…

near a a river encouragement Vietnam bj rae

The story of a Vietnam military working dog until the US pulled out of Vietnam.  This article was written by a Vietnam US Army dog handler, Raymond “Pete” Peters. BJ Rae simply edited it for this website. In part one Read more…

near a river encouraging words for children marriage bj rae bald eagle

 Have you ever wondered how to keep your love alive in a strong marriage?  Wonder no more. Here are the 10 rules to have a successful marriage. Put your mate before your mother, father, your son and your daughter, for Read more…

near a river encouragement for children story bj rae bald eagle

Vietnam US Army dog handler, here is Raymond “Pete” Peters’ talk about this. BJ simply edited it.  The dog in this story represents the 4,000 military working dogs donated by the American public for training and sent to Vietnam. When Read more…

near a river encouragement succeed bj rae

A technique to succeed in reaching every goal in your life. In 2016, the Patriots lost the AFC Championship and the team did not make it to the Super Bowl. Of course, Tom Brady made it his goal to win Read more…

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