When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Encouragement to consider what Simba wishes for on near a river.

Here is what our Morkie Simba wishes for during the remainder of his life. Our dog Simba is suddenly struggling with a very painful health issue.  My heart aches and I am crying as I write this because I truly Read more…

Encouraging you to use a different connection on near a river,.

You may have seen commercials for “VPN” services.  What does a VPN connection do for you anyway? I have used a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to protect my computer for several years, in addition to antivirus and antimalware programs. Since Read more…

Finally the US Government is doing something our country has needed for a long time! In the small town of Celina in Clay County in Tennessee, about 1.3 million opioid prescriptions have been dispensed in the past twelve months at Read more…

Encouraging you to heed this lesson on near a river.

             We can all learn a lesson from these recent data breaches. Here are some recent data breaches you may not have heard about that might affect you personally. Banking with Virtual Assistants It may sound interesting to ask the virtual Read more…

Today an Appalachian Trail Hiker explained the meaning of the phrase “Christmas toes” to us… This morning my husband ran out of coffee. And if you drink coffee, you understand that that means you must make an immediate trip to Read more…

Encouraging you to make tradeoffs on near a river.

What tradeoffs might you be willing to make to improve your life? Before I moved to live with my new husband in his home, my allergies were bad.  But after I moved in with him, my allergies became a nightmare.  Read more…

near a river encouragement for children what can you do bj rae eagle

What can you do to prevent murder and other violent crime?  Here are some suggestions. If you were out jogging or walking and someone attacked you, what would you do? What can you do to try to prevent someone from Read more…

Although I did not know Molly Tibbetts personally, I am crying as I write this. Farewell, Mollie Tibbetts. You were a good person trying to make something of yourself.  From what I heard about you, you had a good heart Read more…

Encouraging to avoid becoming like this tree on near a river.

Please do not let your life become like our crab apple tree! There is a crab apple tree by our back door.  Last summer was our first summer in this house and we did not prune this tree.  Yesterday a Read more…

near a river eyes encouragement make dreams a reality bj rae bald eagle

Close your eyes, and think about these things if you want to make your dream come true. Close your eyes, and picture yourself where you are in your life at this moment. Keep your eyes closed and picture yourself where Read more…

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