When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Encouraging you to think about what would happen on near a river.

What would happen if more people tried this, both people within and outside of our government? Today my husband and I traveled 500 miles south of our home that is about 50 miles south of the Canadian border. I noticed Read more…

If you are female, you need to be very careful! Beware testosterone! As we all know, testosterone is the male hormone that gives males their sex drive. The younger a male is, the more he has. So if you are female, Read more…

Encouraging you to prepare for what is coming soon on near a river.

Yes, it IS coming. What can you do to get ready before it arrives? This morning it was cold outside when we left our home at 8 am for an appointment. I bundled up in layers of clothing and went Read more…

Encouraging you to avoid being at time traveler on near a river.

Are you a time traveler like many people are?  If you might be, read on… Some people’s brains cause them to be a time traveler. Why? Some brains are just not comfy with the uncertainty of the present and the Read more…

It is already the middle of September and soon the holidays will be upon us. We need time to prepare for these important upcoming celebrations. The holidays are still months away.  But if we do not prepare for them, we Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids hurricane bj rae bald eagle

Why can’t we pretend there is a hurricane every day of our lives and ignore our differences? Recently too many people in the US have not been working together to solve problems. Instead, they have been criticizing each other for Read more…

near a river encouraging words for kids VA troubles bj rae bald eagle

If you are a Veteran, you might know just how difficult it can be to deal with Veterans’ Administration (VA).  Here are some things you can do to alleviate your VA troubles. When I first met my husband, he did Read more…

What is the key to happiness?  What makes some people happy while others continually feel depressed? The key to happiness cannot be found in a pill bottle, nor can it be found by shopping or spoiling yourself rotten. It is Read more…

Encouraging you to avoid hurricane florence on near a river.

Is your state affected by Hurricane Florence?  If so, please read this post… I have been watching the news about Hurricane Florence.  According to the news, there are people who refuse to evacuate in spite of the predicted intensity of Read more…

Encouraging you to survive cloud people on near a river.

Who are cloud people?  What do they do? Cloud people make your day when they go away.  When they leave, your day turns into a beautiful day. We all have at least one cloud person in our life.  They can Read more…

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