When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Considering A TD Bank Credit Card?

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Think twice before you obtain a TD Bank credit card!

Are you in the market for a new credit card?  If you are, you should be aware of how TD Bank handles its credit card accounts.  Here is the story about how TD Bank has treated this credit card customer.

My story begins…

Last September, our dog Simba suddenly became ill. Behaving oddly, he hid under the bed; he growled and snarled every time I gently pulled him out to take him outside.

Simba’s usual doctor was closed for Labor Day weekend, so I took him to a different vet. Without advanced testing equipment, the vet was unable to determine what Simba’s problem was. She did blood work and x-ray’s and then sent him home with pain medication and no diagnosis. On Saturday morning, I sought the best care possible for him to save his life.  My husband, a Vietnam veteran, was out of town and Simba is his dog.

Simba got worse overnight, so the next morning I took Simba to the Animal Emergency and Specialty Care in Portland, Maine. After a long drive, we finally arrived, and the staff shaved his belly for an ultrasound.  He had a huge solid purple swollen spot about four inches in diameter on the left side of his rib cage.  This hospital kept Simba overnight.  When Dr. Sproul released Simba the next day, she diagnosed the purple spot over his rib cage as a bruise. She asked me more than once if he had fallen or been kicked accidentally.  I said no, and she did not believe me.

When I got Simba home, I realized his usual vet would probably solve the problem. I found a friend to stay with me and help me force water into Simba’s throat to keep him alive.  On Tuesday morning, my companion and I took Simba to his usual vet.

This vet diagnosed Simba’s purple spot as a hemorrhage because the color was consistent.  The color of a bruise is not consistent, while a hemorrhage’s color is.  A blood vessel had ruptured his chest cavity near his rib cage.  The pain medication Dr. Sproul gave him should not be given to an animal with a hemorrhage, so this doctor took Simba off that pain medication and gave him “Entyce” instead.

At home, he started to eat and drink again—and he felt much better by the evening.

TD Bank’s involvement…

For obvious reasons, my husband was angry with the Animal Emergency and Specialty care. He hoped I could dispute the payment and get our money back, and said we would never again take another pet there.

I disputed the charge on my  TD Bank credit card, and TD reversed the charge temporarily. An employee told me the bank would let me know when it had made its final decision about my dispute.  Also, I filed a complaint with the Maine Board of Veterinary medicine about Dr. Heidi Sproul.

On September 25, 2018, I called TD Bank to find out the status of my dispute.  Tijuana O. there told me that it had been resolved in my favor, that I could ignore correspondence about this issue.

TD’s unacceptable resolution…

Although I received no further communication about this issue, in December TD Bank suddenly reversed the credit on my credit card without warning.  We were traveling, and I discovered this when we were nowhere near a TD facility.  The male I spoke on the phone told me that TD had resolved the case in the merchant’s favor and I now owed the money.

I emailed TD’s CEO of US operations, Greg Braca, and told him that my dispute is now with TD, not with the vet.  In spite of the information Tijuana O. had given me, TD had reversed its decision without sending me notice.  Although we emailed back and forth and I provided all the relevant information, his office referred the case back to the dispute department for a review.  Of course, that department concluded that my case had been resolved correctly.

Greg Braca did nothing to help me, so I spoke with the manager of a TD branch as soon as we landed near one.  The dispute department told him that that TD had offered to settle this dispute by crediting me for half of the charge twice.  But I have no record of this, and I keep impeccable records in my journal.

I will be in the area of TD’s national corporate office soon, so this morning I emailed Greg Braca and asked him to set up an appointment for me to speak with someone there.  He has not replied to my email.

If you use a TD Bank credit card, beware!  TD does strange things!

Don’t have this credit card?  Think twice before getting one!


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