When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Who Will Pay the Bill?

Can you afford to pay the bill for what you want?

near a river encouraging words for kids pay the bill bj rae bald eagle

America is a free country with opportunities for everyone.  Now that a presidential election is ahead of us, we have the chance to change our country’s policies by electing a new leader.

As the only country in the free world without single-payer government health care, we think we want this.

What are some facts about health care?

  • A single-payer health care system will not support research that provides life-saving care, but no one will stop wanting this—Americans or the rest of the world. How will we pay for advances in medical treatment? If we cannot pay for it, it will not exist!
  • Back in the early 1980’s, my husband worked for Ford Motor Company. At that time, Ford provided health insurance to married couple for a total cost of around $40 a month.  Medical facilities then did not have MRI machines that cost millions of dollars and many of the new medical treatments we have today.  Since nothing is free, the cost of health care increased astronomically after researchers and inventors provided these wonderful life-saving options.
  • This new health care system will cost trillions of dollars. Even if the government took all of the money from wealthy Americans, it would still need more money to cover its cost. We will all have to pay at least twice the taxes we pay now if we want a single-payer health care system.
  • In the countries that have a single-payer health care system, access to health care is limited. For example, in England, the government told an 80-year-old woman she would have to wait 20 years to get a new hearing aid.  If you had cancer or another major disease, would you want to wait for treatment?

Our environment is a problem, too.

Nothing is free, and we will all pay the bill for whatever policies we approve by voting. The proposed health care change and Green new deal each have the potential to double our taxes. How much of your hard-earned money are you willing to hand over to your government?

If America wants these things, we all must figure out how to live on much less money.  Look at your budget and consider how much less money you actually need before you vote in 2020! List your expenses and your income and determine how much extra you have now. Then figure out how much money you would have after you pay more than twice the taxes you currently pay, list your current expenses, and decide if you would have enough left to survive.

Vote however you choose,

But please consider the personal consequences of your choice first!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Do you know what the densest element is?

What bad event do we need more often?

What does your future look like?

Please don’t repeat this!


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