When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Create an Uplifting Environment

near a river encouragement uplifting bj rae eagle

Eliminate all things not uplifting in your life to overcome depression.

Another key to overcome depression is easier said than done. Simply let go of anything that is not uplifting or anyone that brings you down.

Here are some strategies for accomplishing this.

  • Walk through your home and make a list of everything that drags you down. Then store these things at a friend’s home. Eventually, you may want to throw them away.
  • Make a list of people you spend time with and encounter each day. Then put them into two groups—uplifting or not uplifting. Next to each person in the not uplifting category, write how you can avoid that person, or ignore him or her.
  • List the places you encounter daily, then put them into two categories, uplifting and not uplifting. Then next to the ones that in the not uplifting category, write how you can avoid or ignore those places.
  • Make a list of activities you do each week, then categorize them in the same categories, uplifting or not uplifting. Then next to the ones in the not uplifting category, write what you might replace that activity with. Refer to your list before beginning any activity.

Sometimes it is difficult to avoid someone in the not uplifting category.

Recently I had the experience of having to deal with some business associates who were very negative. Last Thursday I got an email from one of them with this message, “Because you f—— want full color printing, we cannot get your book launched by April 4”. I had to meditate, read a chapter of the book I am currently reading, and take a nap. When I woke up, I emailed NCP editor Simon Presland (the sender of that email)  asking him to apologize if he wanted me to continue dealing with his company. I waited a whole day and then found a new company to publish my book.

To overcome depression, you simply have to take action to eliminate the people, places, things, and activities in the not uplifting category in your life. After you do this, you will not feel as depressed as you have in the past.

You can create peace in your life by eliminating the things in your life that are not uplifting.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Do you know how much a pencil eraser can do around your home?

Keep your memory sharp without taking supplements!

Have a good day every day of your life.

What is in your daily survival kit?


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