When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Ask Questions!

Encouraging you to ask questions on near a river.

Ask the right questions before you contract for a company’s services.

I received a post card in the mail about a week ago.  It sat on my desk collecting dust until I cleaned my desk today.  It was an interesting post card.   I am glad I paid attention to it!

The post card was from a company that offered me a free month of service and a rate freeze on my electric bill if I agreed to use this company as my electricity supplier.  The return address was in my home state and it looked legitimate.

The Call

As I cleaned off my desk this morning, I called the company.  I noticed that the woman who answered the phone had a United States accent.  We discussed the amount her company would reduce my kilowatt hour rate by, and then she asked me for some information that is on my electricity bill. Her rate sounded good so I hung up the call to find it.  When I called back, a male with a heavy Dominican Republic accent answered the phone.  I asked him what country he is in.  He told me he is in the Dominican Republic.  I asked him if his company has any employees located in the United States, and he said no.  I told him I do not want to do business with this company, that I only contract with companies based in the United States.

Upset, he called me right back.  He begged me to use his company.  I asked him why the post card was deceptive, why it had a return address in my state not in the Dominican Republic.  He did not know and hung up.

Then I spoke with two friends who live in the same area I live in.  They have tried this company and got stuck paying higher electricity rates for months.

When you get the chance to save money, ask questions.  Even if you do not have to spend any money up front to sign up for a company’s service, find out what the bottom line is.  Your chance to save money might actually cost you money.

Ask lots of questions before you contract with any company that promises to save you money!


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Learn how to move on from  your past.

Financial success with your current income is possible.


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