When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Category Archives: Overcome Depression

You can overcome depression!

Posts in this category explain strategies to overcome depression.  Strategies include including music, art, laughter, pets, anger management, and many more. These posts inform readers of how to sleep well at night, reduce stress, have happy days, and others.

The purpose of these articles is to enable readers to soar like eagles above life’s storms and overcome depression.

BJ’ s vision is insightful and motivating. Her vision brings you a positive outlook on life.  These articles will motivate and inspire you to overcome this issue.

Overcome depression!  Soar like an eagle!

Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.

A reason to smile…

Give yourself these gifts!

An ounce of prevention is worth…

What is the best resolution to make?

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Encouraging you to read this bad news on near a river.

Here is some bad news you should read standing if at all possible. You probably already knew that sitting for hours on end is bad for your waist and your overall health. The more time you spend in a chair, Read more…

Zoom in!  Focus on what you enjoy most and recover your serenity. Your life is like a picture on the wall of your home. In a picture frame, there are usually at least several objects.  And these objects are not Read more…

near a river encouragement for children this call bj rae bald eagle

If you make this call, you will improve your life. Please make this call for me, friend.  Pick up your phone and dial the phone number of someone you care about. Once your loved one picks up, ask how he Read more…

If you let people treat you like a doormat, you’ll be quite forgotten in the end.  ( Proverbs 29:21 MSG)  My husband and I are very kind and loving people. We help others every chance we get and treat others Read more…

Encouraging you to celebrate what is on near a river.

Do you sit around moping because your life is not the way you want it to be, or do you celebrate what is? When I was a little girl, I imagined my life at my age much differently than it Read more…

Encouraging you to cope with the stress of life on near a river.

Would you like to know what the simplest way to cope with the stress of life is? Did you know the suicide rate has gone up 30 percent since 1999? Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade both hung themselves this week. Read more…

Encouraging you to understand why people commit suicide on near a river.

Why do famous and wealthy people commit suicide? Today the famous designer Kate Spade hung herself in her New York City apartment.  Most of us wonder why someone who is rich, famous, and appears to have it all would take Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids oxygen mask bj rae bald eagle

Never forget what the flight attendant always says about the oxygen mask before a flight takes off. Recently I have been struggling with a family issue.  My Mother has an aggressive cancer and I have no idea how she is Read more…

Do you have true sight like this blind young boy? Feeling disappointed in life, I sat down on a deserted park bench to gather my thoughts. My day had not gone the way I had planned. And if that wasn’t Read more…

Try to not catch the rotten contagion that is on the loose! Have you ever felt happy when you first woke up in the morning and then spent time around a negative group of people?  What happened to your good Read more…

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