When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Category Archives: Overcome Depression

You can overcome depression!

Posts in this category explain strategies to overcome depression.  Strategies include including music, art, laughter, pets, anger management, and many more. These posts inform readers of how to sleep well at night, reduce stress, have happy days, and others.

The purpose of these articles is to enable readers to soar like eagles above life’s storms and overcome depression.

BJ’ s vision is insightful and motivating. Her vision brings you a positive outlook on life.  These articles will motivate and inspire you to overcome this issue.

Overcome depression!  Soar like an eagle!

Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.

A reason to smile…

Give yourself these gifts!

An ounce of prevention is worth…

What is the best resolution to make?

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Encouraging you to stop bullying of any kind on near a river.

Do not tolerate bullying of any kind! Have you or a loved one ever been bullied?  Bullying of any kind is wrong, whether it occurs in person, in the mail, by phone, or online. A woman has been bullying her Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids quit bj rae bald eagle

I quit.  I resign from all of these things. You can call me a quitter, but I have changed. Effective immediately with no advance notice, I am resigning from all the things that do not make me happy. I quit Read more…

Encouragement to overcome hatred on near a river.

Do you know how to overcome hatred? We all get frustrated with a situation or a person at times.  Unfortunately, sometimes frustration turns into hatred, a bad option.  But if you feel hatred toward someone or something, how can you overcome Read more…

Do you know what the worst bad option is? Yes, you choose how others perceive you. How do you do this? You direct yourself through the circumstances in your life that require a decision.  Your decisions and choices define your Read more…

Encouraging you to have a great day on near a river.

Do you know how you can have a great day every day in your life? I used to have hard days every year on my birthday, simply because my expectations were not met. Unmet expectations cause a person to be Read more…

Here is another way to think about any disadvantages in your life! Traumatic brain injury is definitely one of my disadvantages. It causes me to not remember words and often I feel very embarrassed.  Even if I know the subject Read more…

Encouraging you to be like an ostrich on near a river.

Care for your mental health issues the way an ostrich cares for its young. What do an ostrich and mental health awareness have in common? Ostriches are the largest and heaviest living birds in the world. Despite standing seven to Read more…

Try asking yourself “Why not me?” instead of “Why me?” Have you experienced an abundance of challenges in your life? When feeling discouraged, have you ever thought, “Why me?” If your answer is yes, you and I are kindred spirits.  Read more…

Encouraging you to say thank you on near a river.

A thank you to someone who has been very important in my life. Dear Mother, Thank you for everything you have done for me. For giving me life and keeping me alive during my childhood years, I thank you. The Read more…

Encouraging you to experience the power of pajamas on near a river.

Spending time relaxing in your pajamas has a powerful effect! Today snow has been blanketing our home since seven this morning and I cannot go outside because I might fall. So I have spent the entire day in my Mickey Read more…

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