When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Category Archives: Overcome PTSD

You can overcome PTSD!

Articles in this category teach strategies to overcome PTSD.  These strategies include including music,  laughter, pets, anger management, and many more. These articles inform readers of how to sleep well at night, reduce stress,  have happy days, and others.

The purpose of these articles is to enable readers to soar like eagles above life’s storms and overcome PTSD.

BJ’ s vision is insightful and motivating. Her vision brings you a positive outlook on life.  These articles will motivate and inspire you to work hard to overcome this issue.

Overcome PTSD!  Soar like an eagle!

Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.

A reason to smile…

Give yourself these gifts!

An ounce of prevention is worth…

What is the best resolution to make?

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on bobbiejrae.com.

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A new fantastic medical treatment is changing lives.  It just might change yours. The Vietnam Veteran slept, snuggled up next to his wife. Each time noise from outside invaded the silence in their safe bedroom, his legs and arms moved Read more…

Encoiuragement to overcome PTSD with an invisible fence on near a river.

Do you have PTSD?  Then live within an invisible fence… As a victim of domestic violence diagnosed with PTSD, I highly value safety and security. My second husband and I have been traveling to various campgrounds for the past month.  Read more…

Encouraging you to have a great day on near a river.

Do you know how you can have a great day every day in your life? I used to have hard days every year on my birthday, simply because my expectations were not met. Unmet expectations cause a person to be Read more…

Encouraging you to be like an ostrich on near a river.

Care for your mental health issues the way an ostrich cares for its young. What do an ostrich and mental health awareness have in common? Ostriches are the largest and heaviest living birds in the world. Despite standing seven to Read more…

Encouraging you to use our best solution on near a river.

Our best solution to PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Both my husband and I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and PTSD.  I also have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. We muddle through each day by loving and supporting each Read more…

Encouraging you to respond proactively on near a river.

How do you respond when life hands you lemons? After eleven years of marriage, a loving couple finally gave birth to a baby boy.  Their baby boy was the apple of their eyes.  One morning, when the boy was around Read more…

Encouraging you to understand vivid dreams on near a river.

Pay attention to your vivid dreams! I often have vivid dreams.  I wake up, knowing that I have had a strange and vivid dream.  And the odd thing is that I can remember what I dreamt when I wake up. Read more…

Encouraging you to remain uplifted on near a river.

Here is the secret to remaining uplifted. Most of the time,  I am happy in spite of having survived a lifetime of adverse events. How can I be happy in spite of having lived an unbelievably difficult life? Several medical Read more…

Encouraging you to heed this OJ Simpson message on near a river.

Everyone who heeds the message of OJ Simpson will be much more successful in life! OJ Simpson is right on! This morning I was watching the news at breakfast.  A story came on about OJ Simpson being released from prison Read more…

When a disaster is heading your way, you need to prepare to cope with the emotional trauma you and your loved ones will experience.. Disasters cause everyone affected to feel upset.  The emotional toll of the disaster can devastate you Read more…

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