Celebrate Every Day!

Encouragement to make every day a celebration on near a river.

Celebrate every day of your life, even the days that do not start out so good!

Do you struggle on certain days?

I have struggled many many many days.  My birthdays have usually been a challenge for me to deal with.  I am the product of my Mother’s extramarital affair and she has almost always forgotten my birthday, even when I was living in her home as a child.

I have learned how to cope and have good days anyway, even on my birthday.  You too can turn a challenging day into a good day. You can do this by celebrating your challenging days in the right way.

The right mindset.

The right mindset is a growth mindset.  This type of mindset enables me to face challenges head on and overcome them.  Develop a growth mindset and you too will remain uplifted, even on challenging days!

Remaining uplifted is a key to celebrating a challenging day.

Click here for more info about a growth mindset and how you can develop one.

Messages to yourself.

Thinking negative thoughts just drags me down and makes coping more difficult.  Here are some of the messages I tell myself to celebrate challenging days.

  • Look inside yourself and you will find true beauty and a reason to smile. Inside yourself you will find many good qualities.  Look for them and focus on them, not on the negatives in your life!
  • Have a gratitude attitude every moment of every day! A gratitude attitude makes every day better. Just reminding myself of the things I have to be thankful for changes my outlook. So even if all you can think of to be thankful for seems unimportant, being thankful helps!
  • You are special and you are loved. Even on days when I felt no human loved me, I have always known that God loves me, and celebrated that fact! Being loved is something to be thankful for!  Click here to read how special you are!

The right kind of company!

Surround yourself with supportive people, especially on challenging days.  Avoid toxic people, people who just drag you down.

You need to be with people who love you for who you are every day, especially on challenging days.  Also, you need to hug others and be hugged back!  Hugging is very powerful!

Loving others…

Love others!  Show others love by helping them with whatever they need.  This is the best way to brighten your own day as well as someone else’s, even on your birthday!


We all have challenging days.  For some of us it is a birthday or anniversary of a life-changing event.  By celebrating those days instead of letting them drag you down, you will turn them into good days.

Always remember that your thoughts control your feelings.  If you develop a growth mindset, think uplifting thoughts, and spend time with loving and supportive people, you can celebrate your challenging days!

Celebrate every day of your life!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Having a bad day or week?

Want to develop a gratitude attitude?

You can develop a high stress tolerance.

How do you respond when life gives you lemons?


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

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