When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Cloud People

Encouraging you to survive cloud people on near a river.

Who are cloud people?  What do they do?

Cloud people make your day when they go away.  When they leave, your day turns into a beautiful day.

We all have at least one cloud person in our life.  They can be annoying, toxic, rude, or any combination of these traits.

My life has been filled with cloud people, from the time I was a young child to about six years ago when I met my second husband.

Several members of my birth family constantly dragged me down with their negativity and unkind words. So when I left home at the age of eighteen and they blew away, my life became beautiful.

Then, after I left home at age 18 and moved out on my own, I met my ex-husband.  When we met, he seemed like a great guy, but there were periods of up to two weeks when he was “too busy” to even speak with me.  After I married him, I realized that he was bipolar and self-medicated with alcohol instead of getting the help he needed and it took me over fifteen years to find a way to get away from him.

After I finally left him, I ran into others who dragged me down.

But throughout my life, I chose to focus on the other people in my life.  Like the people I often babysat for as a teenager who took care of me as much as I cared for their children, my Grandmother, and my close friends.

Because I focused on the positive people in my life, the cloud people did not drive me over the edge.  I am still healthy and sane in spite of their efforts to drag me down. And finally, after spending many years with cloud people in my life, I am finally free from all of them.

In your life do you have any cloud people?  Just keep your sanity intact by remaining focused on the positives until they blow away and your life becomes beautiful.

When these cloud people blow out of your life, you will be glad you kept your focus.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Do you know what you mean when you say, “I love you”?

Always try to have a good day every day of your life!

Would you please help me keep my promise?

You’ve been tagged–now your IT!


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