When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Do You Care? Then Connect!

Encouraging you to connect with those you care about on near a river.

If you care about anyone,  connect with him when you think he may need kindness and support!

I loved my older brother.

Many years later, I can never forget the sound of his laughter when I was a child.  As he walked me to school, I jumped in every puddle I could find.  He usually went to school drenched from head to toe.  But he just smiled and laughed.

I still love him and wish I could connect with him now, but I can no longer do that.

About 20 years ago, I sensed he was struggling emotionally.  I knew he was going through a bad divorce and was hurting more than words could ever say.  But I lived more than three states away away from him and could not easily physically check on him.  I tried calling him but he did not answer his phone.  Then I called everyone who might care enough to connect with him and give him the support he needed as he was going through a very difficult time.

First, I called our Mother.  She said that my brother is a big boy and can handle his own problems.  I begged her to check on him.  But she would not.  Neither would or could anyone else I called.  When I had tried for  10 days to get someone to check on him, I bought a plane ticket for that Friday afternoon so I could see him myself.

As I was packing my suitcase and preparing to leave for the airport, one of my siblings called me.   She said my brother had killed himself.  Angry that no one had connected with him, I immediately fell apart.

In a note my brother wrote that he had called my Mother but she had told him he was a big boy and should take care of his own problems, that she did not have time to listen to him whine.  He also said he was distraught over how his life was going. He clearly spelled out what had been bugging him.

I have forgiven my Mother for not connecting with my brother.  But I still cry when I want to connect with my brother because I can no longer do that.  Every chance I get, I visit his grave and leave a note and flowers there. Regardless of how many years pass since he died, I still miss him.

Readers, please connect with anyone you care about if you have any reason to suspect he or she is struggling emotionally.  You just might save a life and many of your own tears by simply being a good listener.

Regardless of what is going on in your own life, it is very important to connect with those you care about when they need you and listen with your heart!  You never know when someone might be depressed and thinking about ending his or her life!

Parents, no matter how old your kids are, they still need you in their lives!  Support your kids no matter how old they are!

Simply being a good listener can change another person’s world! Connect with those you care about when they need support!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


When you feel sad…

Please help stop violence. 

What do you treasure the most?

For info about positive parenting, click here.


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One comment on “Do You Care? Then Connect!


So sorry ffor the circumstances which weighed so heavily on your Brother that pushed him over the edge. I am equally sorry that couldn’t get family or friends to check on and assist your Brother. That being said, your advice is much needed and no doubt will be a blessing to others.


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