Make It Easier!

Life can be easier in America! Here is one suggestion…

Due to too much tension, life at the moment life is hard in many US cities. Rioters have physically destroyed businesses. They have also destroyed public property and some have murdered innocent people, including children as young as two and five years old.

The US constitution gives us the right to protest, but things have gotten a bit out of hand, don’t you think? Inflamed passions and tempers have caused people to do things that could land them behind bars for a long time.

It doesn’t have to be this way! Life can be easier!

When I was a child, my grandmother taught me that no one’s feelings are wrong, and also how to solve problems that seem to have no solution: agree to disagree.

In this case, unhappy and dissatisfied people, like those from the Revolutionary Communist Party that burned flags in front of the White House last week and Antifa, have an alternative. They can agree to disagree by moving to one area of the country to practice their beliefs with others who share them. I would suggest California on the West coast and New York on the East coast, since those areas seem to have commonality with their political ideas. Those two states could secede from the US and have their own governments!

Life would be easier for these people in New York and California. They wouldn’t have to look at statues they abhor or study US history. They could start fresh and write their own story. If their ideas work out over time, the rest of the country might peacefully join them!

This post may sound sarcastic, but it isn’t. It comes from the bottom of my heart, because I know what the fires of anger and frustration that burn inside people for too long can do. My ex-husband’s and my Mother’s behavior and destructive lives taught me this lesson. Both held onto everything that weighed them down and never flew, They both were diagnosed with severe stress-related health conditions. One is dead and the other is just plain miserable.

So I am suggesting this simple way to make life easier because I do not wish these types of problems on anyone!

People, please take my suggestion seriously. If you don’t, you will bring upon yourself disabling, miserable physical problems you will hate!

May each person make his or her own life easier!


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