When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown


Keep working on a task until you hear the word “excellent”.

Encouraging you to always do excellent work on near a river.

Today I had a piano lesson.  I have been practicing “The Entertainer” for the past three months.

When I finished playing it, my piano teacher said one word, “Excellent!”  This compliment meant the world to me.  This is a very difficult song to learn to play and I have only been learning piano for a 14 months.  When she made her one-word comment, all of my hard work had finally paid off.

I felt excellent when my hard work finally paid off.   It can be hard for me to keep working at a challenge like learning “The Entertainer”.  I have traumatic brain injury and it would be so much easier for me to give up than to keep trying.

But I do not give up.  I just keep trying no matter how difficult the challenge is.  And when I finally master a challenge, I feel so happy.  So much less depressed and anxious.

I hope that you keep working to master the challenges in your life.  If you do this, you can also master your depression and anxiety.  When you accomplish you goal, you feel better about yourself.  You improve your mental stamina, your depression, and your anxiety.

Your hard work will pay off.  Just keep working to master your challenges until you succeed.  Find a way to learn what you need to learn to master your challenge and keep trying to reach your goal!

Parents, you can teach your children to keep working until they reach their goals.  Just tell them what you are doing when you are doing it, even when they are very young.  Most children love to hear what their parents are doing and why they are doing it. Then when you master your challenge, tell them how you feel and that your hard work has paid off.

Keep working to master your life challenges until you feel excellent!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


What is the most powerful thing?

You will smile when you read this post…

Need a promotion and more money from your job?

Enable your child to be a successful, independent adult.


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