The Giver’s Gift

 What will this giver’s gift be this year? 

About ten years ago a friend sent me a personality test. I took it, and it identified me as ‘a giver’. Since my actions have always fit the description above, I agreed with this result and continued to live my life as I had previously.

As a giver, my greatest joy is in improving someone else’s life.  So in our house, the Christmas gift we give each other is helping someone else. Recognizing the increased needs of others around us, this year my husband and I helped two families instead of our usual one.

During dinner preparation, I thought,  Thanksgiving isn’t even here yet and we’re way over budget this year; we’ve actually spent more than twice our usual on the holidays. I wish we could do more!

After our meal, my husband watched Dinesh D’Souza’s Trump Card—an amazing, in depth, well-researched and eye opening documentary based on fact. For the next few weeks at least, the opening scene and its eventual conclusion will give me nightmares. Accurately explaining why socialism isn’t good and where the ‘everything free’ concept leads, the movie reminded me of a novel I read in high school, George Orwell’s 1984. D’Souza’s movie and my recollection of Orwell’s book have given me strength to do something new: publicly stand up against the current political tide, despite what may happen to my social media accounts and online reputation.

The movie’s images haunted me as I cleaned the kitchen and booted my computer to write this post.

Here is my message to the world.

Until our country reduces to zero the risk of the USA becoming the United Socialist States of America, this giver will financially support those who work to defeat socialism. She can no longer help anyone else until her goal is met.

I am sorry if you need something I could have helped you with before making this critical financial decision. But, do you want to have religious freedom, freedom to choose your doctor and your medical treatments, freedom of speech and thought, as well as freedom to own a gun?  Aren’t freedoms the most valuable things we have as Americans?

This giver’s gift is a very important one,

both now and in the future.

If you value your liberty,

please join me in supporting those

who endeavor to keep the US free!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


You can believe this!

Here’s another great gift…

I’ll try to right this wrong. Will you?

Please find a grove of these trees, fast!


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