When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

OJ Simpson’s Message

Encouraging you to heed this OJ Simpson message on near a river.

Everyone who heeds the message of OJ Simpson will be much more successful in life!

OJ Simpson is right on!

This morning I was watching the news at breakfast.  A story came on about OJ Simpson being released from prison soon, that the parole board had granted him parole after serving less than half of his sentence.  Then his lawyer read OJ’s statement about his upcoming release.  OJ said that he will face his future by releasing his past.

I agree with OJ!  I have been through so many bad things in my life.  If I continually thought of them and allowed myself to feel angry about them, I would be in a mental hospital for the rest of my life.  I would be so depressed that I would be dysfunctional.

How can you release your past? By forgiving!

By forgiving, you release negative feelings, the cornerstone of depression. You replace them with peace and happiness.

If you find it too difficult to forgive, just remind yourself you are doing it to improve your life.

I had to forgive many people to overcome my depression.  My mother for her abuse, my ex who almost killed me more than once, and others. I forgave one person each week as I cried throughout the forgiveness process.

Here is what I did:

I hand wrote on paper what each person had done to me.

  • I read it over to make sure I had written everything down.
  • Praying and asking God to forgive them, I asked Him to remove all the bad feelings I had because of what they had done and thanked Him for all that he was doing to heal me emotionally.
  • After tearing up the piece of paper, I flushed it down the toilet. I watched as each peace went down the drain. Watching until each piece went down the drain was liberating.
  • When I was reminded of anything or anyone I had forgiven (others or myself) after this process, I countered that reminder with a positive thought. “I am having a great day today and do not need to even think about this anymore.” I had to repeat this positive thought many times before the pain that accompanied the reminders stopped, but eventually the pain did stop. When the pain stopped, my depression was no longer the problem it had been before. I finally felt at peace, happy.

I know it is hard to forgive but you must do it if you want to release your past and be successful in your future!

Just remember these things: Living in your past is poison and leads to depression.  It does devour your soul and diminish your self-esteem. On the other hand, the peace and happiness that result from forgiveness enable you to face your future and be successful.

Forgiving someone who has hurt you does not mean that you will allow that person to hurt you again. Therefore, if you feel you still need to protect yourself from that person, do so by all means! Forgiveness just means letting go of the negative feelings caused by that person.


Just for today, forgive to release your past. You just might decide to forgive every day for the rest of your life.  Doing this will enable you to overcome anxiety and depression and cope with your PTSD more easily.

Parents, do not harbor grudges.  Forgive.  If you set a good example for your children, they will be much happier and more successful throughout their lives!

Soar like an eagle over the storms in your life!  Be like OJ Simpson.  Release your past and be successful in your future!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Are you sad? 

Be successful financially.

What is the answer to worrying?

Do you know what the most powerful force is?  


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

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One comment on “OJ Simpson’s Message


Amen! This is powerful and something which all would benefit by following the steps you took.


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