When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

How Bad Does It Have to Get?

Encouraging you to help in a bad US crisis on near a river.

How bad does this situation have to get before we take action?

An estimated 3 million children are being cared for by someone other than parents in the US today.

I know four of these three million children personally.   Here are their stories.

A three year-old girl.

The first is a three year old little girl. She and her Mommy were visiting Grandma and Grandpa.  Mommy went out with friends Saturday night, came home, and fell asleep in the bed with her daughter.  But Mommy did not wake up.  The little girl tried to wake Mommy up for over an hour before telling her very surprised Grandparents that Mommy would not wake up.  “Wake up, Mommy!  Please!” the little girl pleaded.  But instead of waking up, Mommy was put into a big box and covered with dirt. The little girl cried for many months as she began her new life with Grandma and Grandpa.

Three other children.

The remaining three children I know through their Grandma.  Grandma tells me that Mom and Dad were divorcing.  The kids were going back and forth between the two parents.  One day the oldest of the three children was staying with Dad for the weekend finally found a phone.  Dad had gone out and left her with his sex offender friend.  Grandma rescued her granddaughter.  Grandma  picked her up alone on a quiet road in the middle of the night and cared for her until a court hearing the following week.

At the court hearing,  opioid using Mom told the judge that she knew that her estranged husband had a sex offender friend at his apartment and that she was “letting him hang himself”.  The judge questioned her, “At your daughter’s expense?”  Grandma was present in the court hearing and got full custody of all three kids.  Although Mom and Dad live within 10 miles of Grandma’s home,  the three kids seldom see their parents because they seldom come around to visit.  And, when their parents do come around, they usually do not want to see their opioid using parents.


How bad does the opioid crisis have to get here in the US before we fix it? When will the American people wake up and demand that something be done about this bad crisis?  How long before we stand up to it?

Change the world! Let’s unite and demand that our legislators take action to begin to fix this problem.  Opiates have stolen a generation.

We must demand real solutions to this crisis!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Learn how to protect your computer and your identity.

I refuse to participate in the Opioid crisis. Do you? 

Take care of yourself when you feel down!

Having a bad day or week?


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