This is an important lesson for everyone!
One day a math Professor started his class as usual, by writing on the board. He wrote, “9 x 1 = 7, 9 x 2 = 18, 4 x 3 = 12”.
When he finished, he looked to his class. His class began to laugh at him. Finally when the laughter stopped, one student raised his hand and spoke respectfully, “Professor, you wrote the first equation totally wrong.”
The Professor replied, “I wrote the first equation wrong on purpose to teach you something very important about how the world works. You see, this is how the world works. I wrote three correct answers on the board, but none of you gave me any recognition for those correct answers. You only laughed and criticized me for the one wrong thing that I did. The world will not appreciate the good you do, but will put you down for the one mistake you make.”
When I was with my ex-husband, my life was like this. He never acknowledged anything I did correctly or well. He only criticized me for the mistakes I made.
This is an important lesson for everyone, especially for those of you live with someone like my ex-husband. Just remember this important lesson as long as you are with him or her. Always do your best to rise above criticism and stay strong. Never amplify the thing you did wrong or the criticism you received for it. And if anyone compliments you, never let compliments go to your head.
Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you
soar like an eagle above life’s storms.
Do you look like these animals the morning after a holiday party?
Take time out for yourself occasionally.
Say “I can” instead of “I can’t”!
Need a hug?